Company history

May 2010 - the establishment of a company starting the activity "Calarasi Divin Plus" SRL like the exclusive distributor of the products on the territory of Republic of Moldova "Calarasi Divin" S.R.L with long history company, producer of cognac, brandy, known in Moldova and abroad.


The purpose of establishing the company - on a territory of Moldova Distribution qualitative sub-brand products Commercial Calarasi Divin.


2012 Year - in the company's portfolio "Calarasi Divin Plus" SRL is included Russian vodka brand under the trademark "Flagman" and "Arbatskaya elite," a Russian producer "Republican inter-plant wine from Moscow."


2013 year - "Calarasi Divin" S.R.L produce a series of new spirits - brandy wine grape care version Intra-company portfolio.


2014 year - The company's portfolio version of "Calarasi Divin" Plus is included ukrainian vodka appears under the trademark "Green Day", "Helsinki" and "Ukrainca" a Dnepropetrovsc producer Atlantis in Ukraine.


2014 becomes the year with a rich portfolio of new production Beregovschi fruit juice producer group master of Carpathian region of Ukraine.


Now, the distribution company "Calarasi Divin Plus" SRL is the exclusive distributor in the Republic of Moldova territory of products under the brands: Calarasi Divin, Calarasi Winery, wine grape brandy, Vodka Green Day, Helsinki Vodka, Vodka Ukrainka, Flagman Vodka, Vodka Arbatskaya Elitnaya, juices Beregovskii.

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